English Language Practice

Mila, a compassionate and hard-working high school student from Ukraine, and an active participant in the Big Buddies Community, has meticulously curated a unique workbook. This educational tool uses phrases and words from popular movies and TV shows to create an engaging way to learn English. The inaugural edition is based on "Gravity Falls."

Mila's workbook operates as a translation guide, diligently converting key terms from the show into English. This inventive approach helps students enhance their English proficiency in an entertaining and relatable way.

We're delighted to offer you this innovative English-learning resource for free. To receive your copy, simply fill out the linked Google form. CLICK HERE

A call to all young scholars! If you have a project that you'd like to showcase in our 'Student Initiatives' section, we welcome you to share your achievements with our supportive community. Don't hesitate to get in touch via email at bigbuddiesusa@gmail.com. Here's to your academic success, students!


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